Re: Fwd: [VirgosRock] Digest Number 170

From: "Lee Reed" <creedyrn4ever@HOTMAIL.COM>
Date: Wed
19 Dec 2001 01:17:17 -0500

just thought i'd share this creedy little tidbit from the virgos list...

>Creed – And Then There Were Three?
>Wednesday December 12, 2001 @ 04:00 PM
>By: Staff
>Pretty much the biggest band in the world if album sales be your
>guide, Florida’s Creed are about to embark on a mammoth 18 month
>tour for their third album, Weathered. After the departure of
>bassist Brian Marshall, the band decided to delay his replacement,
>producing the latest album as a three-piece, which, along with
>production adjustments, resulted in a renewed solidity of purpose.
>The new bass player on tour turned out to be a natural choice.
>"The new guy is not permanent," explains Drummer Scott Phillips.
>"It's Brett Hestla from the band Virgos, who's been a very long-time
>friend of ours. And he's actually the singer/songwriter/guitar
>player in his band, but he's probably one of the best musicians I've
>ever come across. He can just about play anything. When the split
>happened between us and Marshall — I guess it was probably July last
>year—we immediately called Brett. He's the first person we could
>think of. He came out and we never skipped a beat."
>Of course, if they think so highly of the guy, why not have him join
>"It's not like, 'No, I don't want to do it,' or we're like, 'No, we
>don't want you to do it,'" Phillips says. "He's got his own band and
>they've been working on their new album. It's almost finished. I
>think it's got to go through the mastering process. You know, he
>went out and he's trying to fulfill his dream of making music,
>making his music. And he's said that if this album doesn't do it,
>he'd definitely want to join if we'd have him. And we told him,
>‘we'd definitely love you to join. But we personally as friends
>never want to see you become the bass player of this band just
>because that means that your project, the one that you were
>initially passionate about, didn't happen.’ We love him to death.
>He's such an awesome guy and a great friend. And if the opportunity
>didn't work out for him, I would love him to join. I think he would
>be a great addition, personality-wise and musically. But hopefully
>his thing will take off and we'll do a co-headlining tour

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